而今癌 症治癒率極高、但術後患者會有外表自信問題、但仍只有不到10%乳癌手術切除患者路出最後一步 來重建乳房。
隨著現在手術技術成熟、假體安全性柔軟度都相當理想、影片中的Hathaway 就是身為一個二寶媽、在經歷了乳房全切除、化療後、決定給自己重拾自信的機會;過程也出乎意料的舒服。
本院為Hathaway 設計的手術是兩階段的重建、先以「水滴型組織擴張器」置入癌症患側、水滴型是比較新的方式、她可以加強南半球乳房皮膚的彈性、讓擴張成效趨於完美。
經歷了兩個多月的擴張期、最後再用柔軟類似脂肪手感的「魔滴2.0」做重建;影片中的Hathaway 是術後一週以及一個月的成果;已經自然澎潤、她非常滿意。
Breast cancer is the most common disease in Taiwan. Everyone should know the choices of reconstruction clearly.
We made a decision of two -stage breast reconstruction for Hathaway who has been the surgery of total breast tissue removal(total mastectomy)and chemotherapy.
About 2 months ago, we inserted a tear-drop tissue expander and expander for two months. About a week ago, we changed tissue expander to JoybyMotiva.
She felt unprecedented soft and natural. It really made her joyful and confident. She called her breast reconstruction surgery “ rebirth”.
What would you think?